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Frankston Waterfront Playground

parking via Pier Promenade, Frankston
Frankston Waterfront Playground

Frankston Waterfront Playground

Frankston Waterfront Playground

Frankston Waterfront Playground

Frankston Waterfront Playground

Frankston Waterfront Playground

Frankston Waterfront Playground

Frankston Waterfront Playground

Frankston Waterfront Playground

Frankston Waterfront Playground

Frankston Beach

Frankston Beach

How do I judge how great a playground is? Probably by the size of the tantrum thrown when it's time to leave! Well, my friends, this is a great one!  


With a great location near Frankston Beach, with it's white sandy beach and beautiful pier, Frankston Regional Waterfront Playground has everything you could ask for in an adventure playground... except maybe a fence, but with so much to play on, they're not going to venture too far away.


Here are some of the features of the playground:



Liberty Swing

Sand Pit

Water Play


Pirate Ship

Flying Fox

BBQ Facilities

Sheltered Area

Picnic Tables

Drinking Fountain



There was a lot of paid parking in the area, but I am sure that it gets very busy in the warmer months. 

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