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The Digital Picnic

Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane 

The Digital Picnic


After 2 years of working on Social Media with Eat Play Discover while I was building the website, I was pretty confident that I was a Social Media expert. We had built our Facebook page to 7,000 fans without paying anything significant for advertising. With the website launch approaching, I wanted to have our best foot forward, so when I heard that Cherie, the genius behind Down that Little Lane's Social Media (check out their Instagram, its AMAZING!) and also her beautiful blog 'Raising Master Max' would be teaming up with Cat from Seeking Digital who would be bringing 10 years of experience in Digital Marketing to their team, I booked my front row seat! Don't worry, everyone gets a front row seat because class sizes are small.


I couldn't believe how much content would be covered during the workshop. And I definitely learned that I was still on beginner level... but I didn't remain there! Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Newsletters, Google Analytics and other tips to measure the success of your digital strategy were all covered. Cat and Cherie bounce off eachother so well, and there is no hiding their passion for the digital world. And it's contagious!


Social Media is such a critical element of business today, it has been absolutely wonderful watching ourselves and the other work shop attendees absolutely thrive as they put into place the Social Media strategies we learned in the class. There is a take home booklet and you can join their private Facebok group for further follow up, support and ideas. 


I also chose to invest in some 1:1 coaching after the class to help to gain some more insight into the areas I know we need to help us grow. And I'll be signing up for more as the year continues. 


If you have a business, or are considering a career in Social Media, then this the workshop for you. This year is the year of self improvement for me. Everything I do, I want to do better or more efficiently and this course was definitely a leap in the right direction. 

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